Born in Holms, in Libya, on 1934, he moved to Rome at the beginning of 1940s. He decided to abandoned school and to work as his father assitant, a restorer at the Etruscan Museum of Valle Giulia. He starts painting with the Informal style and he has his first solo show at the Galleria Appia Antica in Rome. Afterwards he exhibits with Angeli, Festa, Lo Savio and Uncini at the group show “5 pittori – Roma ‘60”, curated by Pierre Restany, and critics begin to be interested in his work. He also began to create his famous monochrome with industrial enamels, gluing the packing paper on the canvas and painting it with just one color. On 1961 he wins the Premio Fissone for the young contemporary art and he exhibits with a solo show at the Galleria La Salita in Rome. After have travelled to the United States, where he sees the Pop Art, he begin to introduce in his work some elements of urban reality and every-day object. He starts with the Series: Paesaggi anemici, "Art History" and "Futurismo Rivisitato" (1966). Invited to the Venice Biennale on 1964, the following year he takes part at the opening show of the Studio Marconi of whom he become one of the most representative artists. Besides the new series "Ossigeno ossigeno", "Oasi" and "Compagni compagni", he makes vanguard film as "Anna vista in agosto dalle farfalle" that he presents in 1967 at the Studio Marconi. After have been involved in politics in 1968, he began to include TV pictures in his emulsified canvas reproposing them with touches of enamel color. Schifano continues to present in several solo and group shows as the X Quadriennale in Rome (1972 ) and, the year after, the exhibition curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, at the Villa Borghese Parking. In 1974 a major exhibition has been dedicated to him by the Istituto di Storia dell’Arte of Parma University: this is the first truly anthological exhibition on the artist. In this occasion he revisits the History of Art and he realizes new series: "Quadri equestri", "Architettura, Naturale Sconosciuto, Reperti." Besides several solo shows in Italy and abroad he participates to many Venice Biennal and he is involved in the major italian contemporary art shows: "Identitè Italienne", 1981, Centre Pompidou, Parigi; "Italian Art of the XX Century", 1989, Royal Academy, Londra; "The Italian Metamorphosis 1943-1968", 1994, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Schifano dies in Rome in 1998.